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Together, we can create a safer, more respectful, and healthier work environment for nurses. Here's how:

In the nursing profession, where compassion, dedication, and patient care are paramount, it's disheartening to acknowledge that workplace aggression and bullying are pervasive problems that continue to affect countless nurses. This issue is far more serious than one might initially realize, and it demands our collective attention and action.
Workplace Aggression/Bullying
Addressing workplace aggression is not just a matter of personal comfort and well-being; it's an ethical imperative and a fundamental necessity to ensure the quality of healthcare.
We believe that, as a united nursing community, we can tackle this issue head-on. Your participation in our survey is a vital step towards understanding the scope of the problem and finding solutions that will protect the well-being of nurses and the quality of patient care.

The Nurses' Professional Association of New Zealand (NPANZ) is a union whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party, so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors.
What we believe
NPANZ supports:
- Restructuring healthcare to focus on patient care above all.
- Decentralising hospitals away from the current bureaucrat-heavy system to one that puts hospitals back in the hands of front-line healthcare workers.
- Preventing the erosion of the nursing scope of practice.
- Making it easier for nurses to speak out publicly without fearing for their registrations.
- Work with the Ministry of Health and private employers to ensure nurses are receiving their minimum entitlements (including workplace safety, discrimination, industrial disputes, payroll issues & more).
NPANZ remains fully committed to defending your right to perform your work without unnecessary interference from Government bureaucrats and respects the enormous amount of education undergone to achieve this right.
- Are we a registered trade union?
Yes NPANZ is a registered trade union!
- Are you run by nurses?
The NPANZ executive structure is different to other competitors. Our elected executive consist of a President, Vice-President and Treasurer who must all be nurses, these executive members make all policy decisions for NPANZ.
The Secretary is appointed by the executive under the constitution and does not make policy decisions. Instead, the Secretary sees to the day-to-day operations of the organisation on behalf of the executive.
When we say "Run by Nurses for Nurses" we mean it.
- What legal support is available?
Our expert industrial advocate and legal support team are considered to be some of New Zealand's best. We provide industrial support for a variety of workplace issues including Collective Bargaining (coming soon), industrial disputes, pay disputes, bullying and more. Most importantly, we guarantee a resolution of your issue.
- Collective agreement/bargaining
We guarantee strong advocacy on workplace policy, procedures and system changes. You are entitled to appoint one of our NPANZ representatives to the bargaining table to negotiate your Collective Agreement.
If you have a Collective Agreement that you would like us to bargain for you, please check the "Collective Bargaining Representation Request" section of your member dashboard. Once there, please check our list of Agreements we're currently negotiating and appoint us as your bargaining agent or complete the representation request form.

The Nurses' Professional Association of New Zealand (NPANZ) is a union whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party, so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues.