Sign Petition
We only need 3,000 signatures to take Health New Zealand to Court
Pay Our Nurses NOW!
It has been 8 years since underpayments arising from the Holiday Pay Act were detected, affecting thousands of current and former DHB employees. And in that time, the NZNO has not litigated one case and the NZ Government has stalled and stalled to avoid paying nurses what they are rightfully owed.
As NZ’s newest nursing union, we believe that kiwi nurses have waited too long. We are committed to running a test case to raise awareness of this issue and get you back what you are owed. Sign our petition to be part of this movement and fight for what is fair!
Together, we can fight to force Health New Zealand to pay nurses properly when the NZNO haven't lifted a finger. Here's how:

Once we have 3,000 signatures, we will commence litigation with a willing test case selected from our petition filers. By signing our petition, you agree to be contacted by us for the purposes of the Campaign - we will not share your information elsewhere. You can read more about our campaign (and view our open letter to the Health Minister) on our blog.
The Nurses' Professional Association of New Zealand (NZ NURSES UNITED INCORPORATED NZBN: 9429051135430) is a union whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party, so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues.