Members and affiliates have expert professional
industrial support in addition to their
NPANZ Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Policy coverage
Month continuous renewal
Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Coverage
Download: Certificate of Currency 30 May 2024 to 30 May 2025
The NPANZ PII Policy and legal backup service:
- $500,000 professional indemnity liability and $500,000 for defence costs;
- Unlimited retroactive cover;
- Run-off cover until the expiry of the Policy Period.
Joining NPANZ is both cost-effective and easy, giving you assurance of cover and peace of mind that you are complying with your professional obligations.
PI Insurance is included as a benefit of membership. We do not sell insurance, however, if you are a contractor we can arrange discount cover through our insurance broker.
Insurance Coverage Specifics
Who is eligible to be covered under the NPANZ Member PII Policy and legal backup service?
You must be:
- a financial member or a financial affiliate member, and maintain that status whilst you are working; or
- a student (RTN, CAP, Student Nurse) registered with NPANZ. (Students are covered for the entire period of their studies including whilst doing clinical placements as a student); or
- an Honorary Life Member of NPANZ
Who does the NPANZ member PII Policy and legal backup service cover?
- registered and enrolled employee nurses; or
- registered and enrolled self-employed nurses; or
- ancillary and related services to the health industry - care workers, healthcare assistants, administration and orderlies; or
- paramedics and ambulance officers; or
- dental nurses, pharmacists; or
- allied health professionals (only when practicing within scope of practice and affiliated with the relevant regulatory body) - acupuncturists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, psychologists; or
- Registered nursing professionals (with or without an APC) practicing in alternative or natural therapies; or
- training, education and voluntary work in nursing.
* Note that only registered and enrolled employee nurses have voting rights. All other occupation groups listed above have full access to services and indemnity insurance, however will be Affiliate (non-voting)
Who is not covered?
- Any nurse or affiliate working outside of New Zealand; and
- Midwives and chiropractors are not covered under this policy; and
- Alternative health providers who are not registered nurses (as above).
* Note that while we cannot cover the above professions with our indemnity insurance, we can still provide support and legal protection on New Zealand industrial matters and these professions are welcome to join us as Affiliate (non-voting) members.
What is covered?
- Civil liability for loss arising from any negligent act, error or omission.
- Where you are summoned to give evidence before a coronial inquest and you require legal representation.
- Defamation claims including accusations of inappropriate cultural safety practices.
- Good Samaritan acts where a nurse voluntarily renders nursing, life-saving or life-extending services at the scene of a medical emergency or whilst doing voluntary community service.
What is not covered?
- Criminal offences are not covered, nor are claims arising from gross negligence and/or dishonest, fraudulent or malicious breach of duty.
- Claims from any un-financial member unless you have registered with us as having ceased practice. In that case, the run-off cover will continue for another 84 months (seven years). Non-working members who have remained registered with us are still covered.
- Claims not notified to us in the insurance period in which the member became aware of the circumstances.
Do members or affiliates have to pay any excess on a claim under the policy?
- No. No claimant (member or affiliate) has to pay any excess in the event of a claim.
Why do you need cover?
Professional indemnity insurance provides coverage for claims that may arise in relation to your professional practice. This includes various situations such as:
- Disciplinary, fitness to practice, and competency matters before the Nursing and Midwifery Councils.
- Coroners' inquiries and inquests.
- Complaints and investigations by the Health and Disability Commissioner.
- Proceedings in the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
- Proceedings in the Human Rights Review Tribunal.
In such scenarios, one of the significant expenses for health practitioners is the cost of obtaining legal advice and representation.
The Nurses' Professional Association of New Zealand (NZ NURSES UNITED INCORPORATED NZBN: 9429051135430) is a union whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party, so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues.